This study explores how one company which shall be called “Company A”, navigated a competitive industry through strategic changes, emphasizing structured procedures, data organization, and staff development. The integration of these initiatives led to reduced complaints, increased satisfaction, and business expansion, solidifying the company’s industry position.
Category: Case study
Case study: Preparing SME for growth and expansion
The client was aware that if he wanted to continue growing and expanding the company, he needed professional help with organization and digitalization. Despite the seemingly sufficient number of workers, too many obligations were solely his responsibility and it became increasingly difficult to monitor, let alone scale the business. After the entire process, the company is ready for stable growth, and we continue to work on the possibilities of diversifying products and conquering new markets.
Case study: New product and market development in the EU
A product line has been developed with minimal investments in technology, competitive on the market in the region and beyond. Several customers were already found during development, and the plan is to optimize production and expand business.