Should you reduce marketing budget during a recession?

During tough economic times like recessions, businesses often think about cutting their marketing budgets to save money. But is that really the best idea?
In this article, we’ll talk about why reducing marketing spending during a recession might not be a smart move. We’ll also discuss another option: outsourcing marketing to experts.

Transforming online presence, part I: The importance of LinkedIn

Digital channels play a crucial role in the success of companies by providing them with numerous opportunities to connect, engage, and transact with their target audience. A strong online presence is vital for companies to stay ahead of the curve and differentiate themselves from their competition. Learn more about the role of LinkedIn.

Brokerage services in manufacturing industry

In the realm of B2B transactions, brokerage plays a crucial role in facilitating successful connections between companies. Brokers serve as intermediaries, leveraging their expertise, industry knowledge, and extensive networks to bridge the gap between buyers and sellers, ultimately enabling mutually beneficial partnerships and driving business growth.

B2B marketing: 7 ways to increase lead generation in manufacturing companies

Lead generation is the foundation of any successful sales and marketing strategy, and manufacturing companies that can effectively generate new business leads will be better positioned to drive revenue growth and stay competitive in today’s market.
In this article, we will explore some of the most effective lead generation strategies for manufacturing companies.

Sales challenges in manufacturing companies: From zero to a perfect sales team

Sales in manufacturing companies can be more challenging compared to other industries. It’s mainly because of technical complexity, long sales cycles, global competition, increased price sensitivity and sometimes a very limited target market. Having an excellent sales team is therefore very important. But how to find the right people, what to look for and how to organize them efficiently?

Effective marketing strategies with real-world examples

In today’s competitive business landscape, marketing is the lifeblood of growth. To thrive, businesses must employ effective marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience and drive results. In this article, we will explore key marketing strategies and back them up with real-world examples to demonstrate their effectiveness.