What is NIS2 directive and are you obliged by it?

The NIS2 Directive, a pivotal update to the original Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive, stands as the EU’s inaugural legislation on cybersecurity. Instituted on January 16, 2023, and requiring Member States’ implementation by October 17, 2024, it addresses the mounting challenges posed by digitalization and cyber threats. Expanding its reach, NIS2 mandates increased cybersecurity measures for a broader spectrum of entities, categorized into Essential Entities (EE) and Important Entities (IE).

Leadership and management skills for medium businesses

Effective leadership and management skills are pivotal for the success and growth of medium businesses. We’ll explore the world of medium businesses, explore the crucial roles played by leaders and managers, and provide insights into the key skills required to excel in these roles.

The exodus of western companies from China

Explore the reasons behind the trend of Western companies moving their operations out of China. Understand the geopolitical risks, rising costs, and the need for supply chain diversification that are driving this shift. Discover the countries benefiting from this trend and what the future holds for global business operations.

How we helped grow an eight-figure portfolio three times

This study explores how one company which shall be called “Company A”, navigated a competitive industry through strategic changes, emphasizing structured procedures, data organization, and staff development. The integration of these initiatives led to reduced complaints, increased satisfaction, and business expansion, solidifying the company’s industry position.

Should you reduce marketing budget during a recession?

During tough economic times like recessions, businesses often think about cutting their marketing budgets to save money. But is that really the best idea?
In this article, we’ll talk about why reducing marketing spending during a recession might not be a smart move. We’ll also discuss another option: outsourcing marketing to experts.

Navigating the world of outsourcing: Insights from both sides

We’re exploring the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing certain manufacturing processes or functions to external vendors or offshore locations. There are several important factors such as cost savings, access to specialized expertise, scalability, potential risks, and the impact on internal capabilities and control. How does it look from the perspectives of both the outsourcer (principal) and the contractor (service provider).

Case study: Preparing SME for growth and expansion

The client was aware that if he wanted to continue growing and expanding the company, he needed professional help with organization and digitalization. Despite the seemingly sufficient number of workers, too many obligations were solely his responsibility and it became increasingly difficult to monitor, let alone scale the business. After the entire process, the company is ready for stable growth, and we continue to work on the possibilities of diversifying products and conquering new markets.

What SMEs need for growth and the cost of passivity

When SMEs are contemplating growth and facing challenges, it’s important for them to consider the potential cost of inaction. While hiring an expert may involve an initial investment, the consequences of doing nothing can often be more significant and detrimental to the company in the long run. In this article, we delve into the importance of recognizing the hidden price of inaction and how seeking external help can pave the way for sustainable growth and success.

The price of inaction: Hidden costs of doing nothing

People have a natural inclination to say no or postpone things. In our quest for comfort and familiarity, it’s natural to gravitate towards saying no and maintaining the status quo. However, while it may feel easier and safer, this inclination can be a double-edged sword, hindering progress and stifling growth. In this article, we examine and the potential pitfalls of choosing to do nothing and answers to why are we so eager to say no.